Getting Started!

“It is the starting that stops most people.” – John’s favourite saying along with “If you stay still, you’re going backwards”.

Fear paralyses people, so they procrastinate and put things in the backburner, waiting for the right time… There isn’t such a thing. The right time is now.

Sometimes you just see what needs to be achieved but you just can’t think of the journey, or you see it and you’re thinking “there is no way I can reach that”. It’s all a bit too hard. Here is a fact: we are all different, and we all approach situations differently. Some panic and freeze, some jump in and fall half way through – sometimes earlier – some of us are determined and focused, but they forget to enjoy life while they do so. No-one is perfect, but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can achieve what they set themselves to. They just have to do it their way, one step at a time.

What does this mean? You have set your goals: Cleaning your body and ultimately taking your mind off bad habits. How will you reach your goals in the amount of days you have signed up for? one tiny step at a time…

Let’s break it down.

  • Take a break from coffee: Let’s focus on the habit, not the beverage. This could very well be your favourite time of the day; let’s not change that habit – why not simply change the drink? Have you thought of trying a cup of green tea, perhaps a cup of hot water with lemon and honey, perhaps a fresh juice… or why not try one of those new drinks that boost your metabolism such as Turmeric Tea? You can still relax while sipping on a nice cuppa. Only difference is what is IN the cuppa. If either of the above isn’t going to cut it, then get inspired with this post…  Who knows, you might just find the substitute you need.
  • Take a break from Alcohol: Let’s see how to change the perception of drinking alcohol. And believe me, being French and raised around wine at almost every meal, I can speak… The idea of a glass of wine is to unwind, relax, put your feet up, catch up with friends, and maybe even have a glass while cooking dinner… SO how do we substitute? Some options are available, from a delicious fresh fruit juice, or perhaps soda water with a zest of orange (feels like “bubbly”). Even better! Have you tried this supercharged probiotics miracle drink called Kombucha? The ancient Chinese called it “the immortal health elixir”. That’s good enough for me. It even feels like alcohol because it is a fermented drink, so you get a bit of a kick! And it’s good for your gut. Try it, but unlike what some experts may advise, don’t try to make it at home, unless you know what you’re doing. There is quite a science about it and I wouldn’t try and make a fermented drink without the sound advice of a hippie friend (that’s what I call mine :)) or a health expert.
  • Take a break from Tobacco: What can I say about smoking. I used to smoke two packs a day for about three years and then quit cold turkey one day because I hated what I had become (especially picturing myself in the morning with my first cigarette and a cup of black coffee. Yuck!). You WILL need to compensate, for some, it is just mimicking the smoking habit, for others it is doing something else, like having a hot cup of… whatever floats your boat, or even do deep-breathing exercise or simply go for a quick walk  just to take your mind off it. Gum may work, licorice has worked for many (but pick an option without sugar, otherwise you got from a bad one to another) Here is a little inspiration
  • Take a break from Sugar: that is possibly the easiest – I know this sounds crazy – especially coming from a sweet tooth like me, but it is. Stevia, rice malt syrup, even maple syrup and fruits like Prunes or Dates… There are so many great ways to substitute sugar and still get that sweet taste today. I know this because I am the living proof. French born, I was raised on sugar, pain au chocolat and pastries, believe me, if I can, YOU can too!

This is only the start, all you have to do now is ignore the symptoms and focus on the NEW you – your mind will try and play tricks with you, but you can distract your mind with other things that are good for you and create those new habits. Old habits will disappear before you know it!

Are you ready for a NEW YOU?

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Henry Harrop says:

    On my 22nd day and flying. Keeping the focus with 23 days to go. We can all do this. Rough patch is over. The rest is one foot in front of the other. You too can do it. Stay with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mariecustodian says:

      Well done Henry. Well you must have started early. Very inspiring hearing from you. If you do have tips on how to stay on track, please share. 🙂


  2. Henry says:

    My biggest challenge was the lust for sugar. So I had to change my weakness for biscuits and cakes to fresh nuts and fruit. I had heard that Walnuts and Almonds are two of the better nuts for us, so they along with dried banana and sultanas were introduced to my diet. Note that these are not packaged but bought fresh from the fruit shop.
    Also my water consumption increased immensely. This is supplemented now and again with pressed fruit juice.
    This is a great time of year for the CATS Challenge as there is a great variety of fruit available and I have been getting stuck into the nectarines, peaches, water melon and pineapples. With the pineapples, I allow them to ripen on the bench and when I can smell it walking past, then I’ll slice it up into long spears and refrigerate it. A wonderful cool and refreshing treat during summer.
    I have been also been having more and smaller meals during the day but this is now starting to be weaned down naturally.
    Headaches have eased somewhat, but water is the key here.
    Also as part of the detox, I have been hitting the gym. By raising my cardio-vascular exercise, I’m expelling toxins through the air and perspiration. Fortunately, my gym also has a steam room and spa for a reward after exercise.
    After rigorous exercise, I am no longer hungry.
    I hope this helps.


    1. Marie H. says:

      How inspiring!!! You are doing all the right things Henry. I agree with summer being th best time to undertake CATS. I just can’t get enough of the berries, rockmelons and peaches and nectarines. Will let you in on a secret though: when it comes to sweets, I found I cannot live without chocolate, so my solution here is to eat dark chocolate only and mix it in with nuts. this way Imake my own dark chocolate snacks. Bonus: put some chia seeds in the mix and before you know it, you have a natural healthy protein bar. 🙂 Keep going Henry, I am certain you have inspired many today – me included.


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